
Is McAfee Guilty?

Photo Credit Guatemala is denying Anti-virus software guru John McAfee’s request for asylum in and soon he’ll be deported back to Belize, from where he illegally entered Guatemala. Belize is the last place John McAfee wants to be. The authorities aren’t likely to do him any favors since for the last two weeks he’s been…

In Defense of Facebook

How many articles have you read whose thesis is “Facebook and other social media monsters subtract from compelling real world interpersonal interactions?” Every week I read about or meet someone force feeding this argument like it were doctrine. explores these “broadly recognized” negative effects of Facebook touching upon Facebook addiction, being deprived of real world interactions,…

My Favorite Antigua, Guatemala Story Ever

I’ve held back to long. I need to write about what has brought more joy to the expats in Antigua, Guatemala than when El Muro started paying people to imbibe. Rather than fill this post with unwanted ajectives and annoying ‘-lys’ that my delight in it would cause, I’ll give you just to stoic  facts,…

I Live With A Robot and Show at Rocky Sullivan’s

So I just learned today, that I live with a robot. As I sat writing away, my roommate began piling up all the furniture on the table. I didn’t ask why. If he wanted to pile up all the furniture on the table, that was his own bussiness. Then he left. Then, I started to…

The Day The Alligator Died

Let’s start with some good news. This person, somehow, call it divine intervention, call it dumb luck, call it superpowers, did not go blind: The bad news that’s coming is so bad, so so incredibly mortifyingly horrible, that I think we should all jack ourselves up with some more positive news and thinking before I drop a…

Has Mr. Snagglepuss been found?

On Wednesday readers of this blog were smacked in the face by the fierce reality that a cat from my neighborhood, Mr. Snagglepuss, was missing. His owners put up flyers everywhere asking if anyone had seen Mr. Snagglepuss. Everywhere held their breath. How could one sleep knowing that Mr. Snagglepuss was somewhere in the cold…

Why My Mom Must Be Stopped

Before jumping into the alligator swamp in this blog post, we have one item to cover. First order of business: Mr. Snagglepuss, a cat from the neighboring building who has gone up and left. Despite vigorous flyering (what some people [certainly tree people] would call “excessive” flyering), Mr. Snagglepuss is still at large. Various theories abound…

All I Want For Christmas Is An Alligator

Last year I gave my brother, Isaac—who had just turned ten—a machete for Christmas. Isaac and I both agreed this was a most awesome present. But little did we know, as we basked in the bliss of our machete brought glory, our own mother was hatching a plot redolent of The Grinch. While everyone was distracted…

Erasing Jeannie Vanasco’s article about Erasing.

Earlier this year, The Believer Magazine ran an article by Jeannie Vanasco that explored (in the depth that they do) Erasure. The cover of that misterious Janruary issue had been  erased (in the way that they would). “To erase” is defined most dramatically as “to remove all traces of.” Erasure as an art form is acheived…

What Do You Do When Your CouchSurfing Host Is A Nudist? is a wonderful service that connects intrepid, open-minded travelers willing to host or be hosted in a new city or foreign country. For budget travelers, it is a godsend that saves them the second biggest expense of traveling: lodging (the first, of course, being your bar tab). But what happens when your host…