
The Write-life

I’m writing the draft of what you’re reading with a Sharpie on canvas. Tony’s house. There’s only have art supplies to write with. Everyone else is outside smoking now. I’m refraining. I tell people I’m training for a marathon. But really, I’m just running a lot. I’m procrastinating deciding when and where and which marathon…

A Trip To Cannon Beach

We knew our cousin Joey was an Armstrong. But he proved it when over an Xbox game he was playing against his brother he said, “Okay, I’ll be there in three hours.” Tyler and I had made it to Portland and were staying with our Aunt JoAnn. Joey and his wife live near Seattle. But…

An Unfortunate Series of Political Perspectives

Recently, I entertained taking a job that would have had me directing an office tasked with registering un-registered voters of disadvantaged economic backgrounds. It would have focused on African American communities. While debating whether or not to accept the position, I mentioned the gig to a few friends and family. What surprised me was the…

Ultimate Jenga in Denver

Remember Jenga. Do you remember being rushed to the hospital after an errant blog of wood became lodged in your face? Then you don’t remember Jenga. Not real Jenga. Not Jenga for men. Jenga took this guy’s face off. But he’s still playing. And Jenga for men was played last night in Denver, CO at…

Holed Up In A Resort While CO Burns.

Here we are, holed up in a resort, while Colorado in every direction burns. I can see the smoke from my balcony, where I’m typing this. TK is here for a business conference and since our road trip brought us to the area he invited us to crash here for  few days at “The Broadmoor.”…

The End

It wasn’t supposed to happen. I did everything I could to avoid it.  I generously budgeted the precious commodity–time–to have plenty of it to spend with friends grabbing a last beer, or final coffee, a closing conversation, a definitive night of debauchery etc.,  where we could all sigh nostalgically and offer mutual allowences of how…