Just How Strange Are My Friends

What’s stranger than a Boston hobo with outrageously virtuoso hula-hoop skills clad in a sparkly mini-skirt that covers his beard but not always what can only be termed Ron Jeremy’s unkempt doppelgänger? What’s more bizarre than a fruitloop factory managed by a rare species of saprophytes catering to a clientele of fiscally conservative hippopotamus?

Possibly, my friends.

Case Study #1, The Curious Case Of The Hobbit Tower? 

I realized this yesterday when, enjoying the fact that my time zone is no longer synced to place calls at absurdly early or unforgivably late times, I called a few of my amigos in Guatemala and hung up the phone ready to hop a plane. It is something I have perhaps always known: I am a strange person with strange friends. Birds of a feather flocking together to replace all of the doors with dinosaur curtains.

The conversation went like this:

Me: Yo yo, cowhide to the wayside, how’s the hippity bopity chillin’ in the southward bound Old Yeller? (this translates into “what’s up?”)

[I forgot to mention, my friends and I speak a strange dialect of foolishness derived from risible etymological roots. For the remainder of this dialogue, I will translate]

Amigo Dan: Not much. We bought the top of a mountain and Andrés and I are going to build a hobbit tower. You should come back here.

Me: What? Why are you building a hobbit tower?

Amigo Dan: Um? . . . Because we can .

Damnit. My friends are going to have a hobbit tower without me on top of this mountain, with THIS view.

Photo of Earth Lodge Antigua

Case Study #2: The Curious Chattings on the Facebook Wires in which a friend, threatens me, and then forces me to write a poem for her about a squirrel.

In order to keep her privacy secret (she is a very private, demanding person), I have employed the latest in squirrel playin’-a-banjo technology to conceal her identity.

Your identity is safe, strange friend.

Chat with Nicolette
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“Hot piece of squirrel ass?” Is this the type of conversation two adults with university degrees and professional aspirations should be having over the internet?

Should mature adults be chatting about squirrel ass?

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Let’s table that question for now and maybe do some philosophical exploring from our couches and chairs about what it means to be both an adult and an adult in this day and age. Saying things like “this day and age” is off to a bad start, but maybe we can get somewhere with this.

Spoiler: Adults are just children who are all grown up. Even without a tied-dyed friend using an apparatus to make gurgling sounds next to you, this is something maybe worth some pondering.

For all intents and purpose, the present became the future in strange ways. One day it had no hairs on your chest, the next day it was bewildered to find itself bewhiskered.



That’s true too, but don’t give all of them to your child. Save a little for yourself and put it in your overall’s pocket.

In this Brave New World of adult worries and concerns, it’s crucial for your sanity to not always sit in the driver seat of your life. Capable adults: we can do things that our childish imaginations were big enough to dream up, but that the practical limitations society placed on five-year-olds prevented us.

Basically, we can build that Hobbit Tower on a mountain. Or even on a hovering platform about the sea. We have the technology.

For the unimaginative, it’s not easy to let an imagination run wild with wild possibilities. It is for some reason much easier for the imaginative to follow some misplaced cue by a boss, or parent, or dude on the street and turn off their wild switch.

This is why I am grateful that if I am crazy, it is not any crazier than my friends, who are busy here there and everywhere at altering the world in a way that matches the way they see it in their wildest dreams.