Tag Archive for El Hobbiton

Why I Should Only Book One-Way Flights To Guatemala

  Avoid The Antigua Tax With One-Way Tickets To Guatemala Airlines should ban me from booking anything other than one-way flights. Please, airlines, ban me! I’ll do whatever illicit behavior it takes. I’ve just clocked in my 12th day in Guatemala, a full month left before my flight to NYC and then to Asia. But…

What Can A Mountain Teach Us?

Mountains can teach us plenty.  In Morocco, a mountain taught me that I was an idiot for climbing it, since it almost resulted in my falling from it. In Chile’s La Campana Parque National, my friends and I learned after camping on a mountain that we should have packed more water and less wine. Most…

Writing Retreat On “My” Mountain

I am playing the best pool of my life. Not once, in four games tonight did I cause the cue ball become airborne and jump over the f-cking rail of the third floor loft of an Assisi bar, falling three stories below into the dinner of an displeased Italian man capable of wild hand gesturing…