Tag Archive for Armstrongs

Blessing The Rains In Africa: The Power of Dreams

When I was in high school, my parent’s adopted two Kenyan orphans, Calvin and Joash. After their parents passed away from AIDS, three brothers, Roger, Calvin and Joash, were left alone in their mud hut. Calvin, after reading a novel titled The Color of the Carnations about a Kenyan boy who studies in the USA, began to hope and…

The Stories Behind The Guitars

They say that dogs experience a much different world from people because of their heightened sense of smell. When they walk into a room, their nose tells them things like, “Oh, yep, Marve was definitely here a few hours ago, and he was definitely eating a ham sandwich. Boy, could I go for a ham…

A Trip To Cannon Beach

We knew our cousin Joey was an Armstrong. But he proved it when over an Xbox game he was playing against his brother he said, “Okay, I’ll be there in three hours.” Tyler and I had made it to Portland and were staying with our Aunt JoAnn. Joey and his wife live near Seattle. But…