Random Acts of Awesomeness

Rabble Rousing The World, will never get old. It’s great when you meet people who want to rabble rouse with you.

This is Tess:


She’s cool with Rabble Rousing.

How do I know this?

Check out this FB conversation:


An outrageous (Rabble Rousing) thing was decided upon:

And so it was:


Many incredible items:

Were wrapped. The cat:

Was betwixt.

The notes we left on the packages:

Were cryptic. And re-donkulous.

The promoting, was self and shameless:

The girl, awesome for riding around on a mo-ped and jumping off to do a quick gift drive-by:

The presents, were smuggled, into people’s and dog statue’s lives:

It was awesome. And everyone should try it: