Update on The Phoenix Orphanage Organization


Orphans from Zigoti, Uganda

Travel Write Sing is about traveling, writing and singing, but it is also about interacting with local populations in a way that leaves both the traveler and the locals the better for it.

Since 2013,some of my readers, family, friends and I have helped an orphanage in Uganda called The Phoenix Orphanage Organization, founded by an orphan from Zigoti in Mityana, Uganda where it is located.

This year, a friend of mine from LA, Andrew, who I worked with on a water treatment system in Guatemala fundraised for the orphanage to support his girlfriend Sara who spent six months volunteering with Ian and his orphanage.

If you are looking for a place to volunteer while you are in Uganda, please contact me and I would be happy to put you in touch with Ian, director of the orphanage (and he would be THRILLED to have you). For now, here’s an update from Ian and the kids in Uganda.

Update on the Phoenix Orphanage Organization


The children are doing fine their semester is going well besides water issues.  With the water, things aren’t okay the shallow well from the school is dry, but other things are okay thanks to all sponsors in Europe and United States for your support to the Phoenix Orphanage Organization, Zigoti in Mityana, Uganda.

About our Orphanage in Zigoti, Uganda

The Orphanage is a non-profit organization, it has been in existence of 4yrs to target education and health in Zigoti Mityana. These efforts have financed by Sarah and Andrew during their stay with us. We aim to facilitate lasting change and to improve the lives of the orphaned children in the orphanage.

Here in the orphanage children were falling sick a lot, but the number of them falling sick reduced, after Sarah and Andrew taking care of the payments for health care and helping us gain access to clean drinking water. If possible, it would be great to create a water source for our orphanage. This could help other people from the community as well, and provides kids with continuous health treatment.There is now only one well in Zigoti, it’s located in south Zigoti and is used by so many people.

Lunch time at the orphanage

Lunch time at the orphanage

Feeding in the Orphanage

We have also tried to change the diet for the kids and now they eat rice, fruits, and some kids eat eggs for their good health.

Invitation of International people/friend

We at Phoenix Orphanage Organization kindly invite you to come and stay with us to share ideas, experience, and help us to run the projects technically.

Holiday Program

The purpose is to give Children a safe fun place to come during their school holiday and participate in activities such as: singing, dancing, drama, and acrobatic performance. In this way, we can perform and, but we still lack instruments/equipment for this program.


Uganda orphanage water project


Livelihood Projects

If possible it would have been good to lift the Orphanage with through sustainable methods such as: project for income generation and art.

Humbly here, we submit our request to help in setting up a project for income generating activity where we can raise Money to take care of the children’s needs, we are looking for someone with a good heart who can stand with us to contribute or support this project to set up the project. It would be of a great value for the orphanage.

Children in Uganda

Children in Uganda

Child Sponsorship

Education is one of the most important factors required for individuals to lift themselves out of poverty. Now there are currently 55 Orphans from the Orphanage, 53 kids are in Primary school, and 2 children are in senior secondary school.  You can Sponsor a vulnerable child to go to school, there is four months in a term.

Appreciation from Phoenix Orphanage Organization goes to Luke Maguire Armstrong, Sarah Marie Roth & Andrew Bui for the funds etc they donated to pay tuition for kids education, and the semester is going on well,

Please kindly we need your continuous help. It helps the Orphanage! Please we assure you 100% of Donations goes directly to the Children’s needs. We extended our thanks/appreciation to all other friends for the Support to the Orphanage. .

Please if there is anyone who would like to donate other things apart from money are greatly appreciated, because they are really useful and helpful to us.

Best wishes from our corporation,

Ian – Founder and Director