
How To Be a Part of Doing a Lot With A Little

  Dear Reader, I am reaching out to you today invite you to join me in acheiving a goal that’s concrete and attainable—open an education center for 60 impoverished children in Guatemala. Today, we’re 3.7k towards out 20k goal. That’s on pace to have the center open by January when the new term starts! Here’s…

Update on The Phoenix Orphanage Organization

Travel Write Sing is about traveling, writing and singing, but it is also about interacting with local populations in a way that leaves both the traveler and the locals the better for it. Since 2013,some of my readers, family, friends and I have helped an orphanage in Uganda called The Phoenix Orphanage Organization, founded by…

What You Should Do INSTEAD of Donating Money to Charity

Yes, this is an interesting headline coming from me, someone who has been raising money for various charities for the past seven years. But consider the following story and the lesson tied to it and reflect upon what that means when it comes to donating money to charity. Donating Time and Money to People Versus Donating to Charity…

The Most Surprising Room in Guatemala

“I tell you this will all my heart,” she tells them. “Sometimes our problems choke us and make us feel alone, but I’m here to help you if you ever need it because I love all of you.” “I’m not going to tell you the story of something that happened to my sister,” Doña Marí…

Update On Carmen and Maria

Fellow travel bloggers and NYC musicians have all been helping us get to our $10,000 goal to put 55 students in school with The Integral Heart Foundation. That’s 55 individuals stories, each worth hearing and retelling–stories that begin with struggle, but stories that Mick and Debora and everyone at The Integral Heart Foundation are in…

Random Acts of Kindness: Hiding Dollars In The Dollar Store

“Random acts of kindness make the world a better place. We can make big difference in small things” Some people like to go to the dollar store to spend dollars. My 12-year-old brother Isaac like to go there and hide dollars for people to find. “Random acts of kindness make the world a better place.…

Update on Simon and Samuel in Kenya

A year ago today, my brother Calvin and I went to meet my brother Tyler at Nairobi’s airport. After a week staying just outside of Nairobi, we went to Kisii, Kenya, the village where both of my Kenyan brothers are from. Simon and Samuel were two AIDS orphans living in that village. They could point…

Why We Are So Blessed

You and I, we are blessed. We are blessed because I am writing this on a $1,000 laptop and you are reading it on a device likely costing more than what much of the world hopes to earn in a year. We are blessed because when we were young a basic education was a forced…